Our Homes

Our Brussels home (Belgium)

Finding a property, making it a home

Off to a great start

During our search for a property in Brussels, we met some members of the Society of Jesus. They were blown away by the work we do at Lazarus and offered us an 8-bedroom single-family home for two years! Not only was the home given rent-free but it was also ideally located in the city centre.

Our current location

We have now moved to a larger site. Located in a well-connected residential area, this large multi-home property once belonged to the Diocese of Paris.

Our Brussels home is made up of:

• 1 home with 12 bedrooms

• 1 home with 16 bedrooms

• 1 home with 8 bedrooms

• 1 building with 3 flats

• A shared garden connecting the 4 buildings.

Initially, the Diocese leased two of the buildings to Lazarus for a very low rent. The properties were a perfect match for Lazarus so, after a major fundraising effort*, we were eventually able to buy them.

The icing on the cake came some months later when a neighbour offered her family home to us, which is now used by the support family.

Today, our Brussels home is a bustling community of 24 residents and a support family.

See some of our most recent photos below.

Some pictures